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  • Able / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Able integration process. The help center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this guide. If you have any questions not covered in the help center, submit a request.




    The following items are required to initiate the integration:

    • Admin access to Checkr and Able
    • Able will provide you with an authentication link to enable the connection. Note: Integration will not be activated until Able is implemented and live.

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with Able.

    To create an account for use with Able:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Able.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Able. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Able and you to begin ordering background checks through the Able platform.

    Order A Background Check

    1. Within your Able dashboard, select Applicants.Able4.png
    2. Select the applicant name.
    3. Select + New Onboarding Request. 
    4. Within the Order Workflow, select the Checkr Screening Package from the drop-down menu.Able5.png
    5. Select on Send Workflow.
    6. The background check status will update to Ordered and is visible in Applicants under Background Screening.
    7. Once a background check is ordered, applicants (candidates) receive an email from Checkr to provide their information and complete the candidate's background check process.
    8. The background check status will update once the candidate provides their information. Checkr will also keep you updated via email on the status as it completes. Checkr's help center provides additional information on how to interpret a background check. Some background checks results are available within 24 hours. Most background checks are completed within 3-5 business days, but can take longer depending on the location or depth of the search.


    Review A Background Check

    Packages/Services will display the individual screenings ordered within a background check package and their statuses:

    • Green is clear.
    • Gray is pending.
    • Red is consider.

    To view the report:

    • Select View to access a PDF of the full report from within Able. 
    • Select Take Action to review the report in Checkr.


    • Date In is when Able receives the screening results.
    • Date Out is when the results were shared. 


    Checkr Features

    Additional Checkr account features and useful help center information for getting started:

  • Advanced Enterprise Technologies, Inc. (AETI) / Checkr Integration User Guide >
  • Alliance HCM / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    This integration guide has all of the information you’ll need to complete the Checkr / AllianceHCM integration process. It includes instructions for creating a Checkr account, enabling the Checkr / AllianceHCM integration, ordering background check reports, and reviewing completed reports.

    Before starting

    To enable the integration you must have admin access to both Checkr and AllianceHCM to complete this process.

    1. From your dashboard, select Configuration from the menu on the left.


    1. Hover over the Application Configuration menu and select Integrations.


    1. Next to Checkr, select Connect.


    1. If you’re already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your Checkr account to AllianceHCM.
    2. If you’re not a Checkr customer, select Sign Up to add your company information.

    Create a Checkr account

    To create an account for use with AllianceHCM:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to AllianceHCM.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from AllianceHCM. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both AllianceHCM and you to begin ordering background checks through the AllianceHCM platform.
    5. Once your account has been created, if your Checkr account is enabled for segmentation, it’s possible to assign background check packages to company codes or cost center codes (Nodes). 


        • Select the AllPay Codes for Checkr and select Sync with Checkr & Save.


    Order Background Checks - for an Applicant

    1. From the dashboard, hover over the Onboard menu and select Applicants to view the list of your candidates.


    2. Select a candidate to open their profile. 
    3. On the top of the applicant's profile, next to their name, open the drop-down and select Order a Background Check to run a report. Alliance-OrderReport.png
    4. On the background check dialog, select Checkr as the "Background check service" and choose the package you want to run for the candidate, then click Submit.
    5. Once the background check report is ordered, an email will be sent requesting the candidate’s information for the background check report.

    Order Background Checks - for an Employee

    1. From the dashboard, hover over the HR menu and select Background Checks. Alliance-HR.png
    2. Search for the employee you’d like to run a background check for by using the filters and drop-downs at the top.
    3. Once you select the employee, click the Add button for a new background check request. Alliance-AddEmployee.png
    4. Under "Background Check Manager" select Checkr as the "Service" and choose the package you want to run, then click the Save button. Alliance-ServicePackageSave.png

    Review a completed report

    To view a completed report, select Background Check to view the report status and results within as applicant's profile.


    Answers to frequently asked questions:

  • anecdotes / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / anecdotes integration process. The help center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this guide. If you have any questions not covered in the help center, submit a request.




    The following items are required to enable the  integration:

    Enable Checkr setup

    To enable Checkr from within the anecdotes platform, please follow the steps below: 

    1. Login to the anecdotes platform. 
    2. From your homepage, use the navigation bar on the left side of the page to select the icon for the Plugin Market
    3. From the Plugin Market page, either search for Checkr in the Search plugins search bar or select HR Tools from the top navigation menu. This will bring you to a page of available HR Tools
    4. Within HR Tools select Checkr.
    5. You will be brought to a Checkr page with additional information:
      • How To Connect: A guide on how to get started
      • Plugin Info: This information details what Checkr does and the evidence anecdotes is pulling.
      • Permissions: This tab details the permissions anecdotes has to access your Checkr account. 
      • Logs: The logs of evidence collection.
    6. From the Checkr page in anecdotes, select Connect Plugin.
    7. If you already have a Checkr account, select Sign In.

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with anecdotes.

    To create an account for use with anecdotes:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to anecdotes.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from anecdotes. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both anecdotes and you to begin ordering background checks through the anecdotes platform.
    5. Once you have connected to Checkr, you will be redirected back to anecdotes and the evidence collection will start. 

    Order A Background Check

    Order a background check directly from the Checkr dashboard. anecdotes doesn’t support the ordering process within their platform. anecdotes will receive completed background check report information from your Checkr Account.

    Review Background Check Data in anecdotes

    anecdotes only receives completed report information. To view completed report information within anecdotes, please follow the steps below: 

    1. Login to anecdotes. 
    2. From your homepage, use the navigation bar on the left to select the multi-square icon for the Evidence Pool.  
    3. From the Evidence Pool, within anecdotes Filters, within Evidence collected from enter or scroll to select Checkr.

    1. When viewing the evidence collected from Checkr, select the evidence batch titled Checkr - List of candidates and their background checks.

    This includes:

    1. Collected Data, including: candidate email, candidate name, candidate ID, background check status, background check package, check creation date and check completion date. 
    2. Guide & Info: details all of the API calls anecdotes used to retrieve data from Checkr, as well as 'Evidence Description' and 'Best Practice Guide'. 
    3. Example Screenshot: an example of how the data looks in Checkr’s UI. 

    1. From the ‘Collected Evidence’ list, you can select Checkr - List of packages and their screenings, which details all packages from your Checkr account including: package name, screening type, creation date.

    1. Both collection pages allow you to filter and download the evidence. 

    Background Check Data Syncs

    • anecdotes will always pull the last year of background check data from Checkr. 
    • anecdotes’ data sync is auto scheduled for 1X/week.
      • To run a sync on demand, navigate back to the Checkr plug-in page and select the icon Run on Demand.

    Checkr Features

    Additional Checkr account features and useful help center information for getting started:


  • Ascen / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide outlines the Checkr / Ascen integration process and how to order background checks.



    Getting started

    The following items are required to enable the integration:

    • Admin access to Checkr 
    • Admin access to Ascen

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company doesn't yet have a Checkr account, one must be created during the integration process with Ascen. Refer to the “Connect to Checkr” section below on how to begin the Checkr account setup process from within Ascen.

    Once you’ve been directed to a Checkr page during the sign-up process, you can either sign in to an existing account or create a new one.

    To create an account for use with Ascen:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Ascen.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Ascen. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Ascen and you to begin ordering background checks through the Ascen platform.

    Connect to Checkr

    1. As an Ascen customer, log in to your Ascen dashboard. 
    2. Within your Ascen dashboard, select your name/menu drop from the left side panel. 
    3. Within the dropdown, select Integrations. 
    4. From the Integrations page, locate Checkr’s tile and select Connect.
    1. Select either Sign-Up or Sign-In. Both options will bring you to the Checkr hosted Sign Up / Sign In flow.
    1. Once you’ve completed your sign-in / sign-up, you will be redirected back to the integrations page within Ascen. The Checkr title will display your connection state between Ascen & Checkr. 
      • The “Manage” button will redirect you to your Checkr dashboard.

    Once your account is credentialed, the "Authorized" flag will be displayed in green:

    Account hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to appear when you order a background check. You can use nodes to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes after you create them. Your Checkr invoice shows which node ordered which package. 

    Each time you order a background check, you select which node to order the check from, and then select from a list of packages available to that node. Invoices show the background checks that each node ordered within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with an account hierarchy and nodes, please follow the steps within “Order Background Checks”. During the ordering process, Ascen asks the user to select the node (if applicable) and preferred package. 

    The list of packages appears based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to order. If no packages appear, you must assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr Dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order background checks

    Ascen provides two ways to order background checks, depending on whether or not the assignment exists in the system. 

    Option 1: If the assignment does not already exist in the system, you can follow the steps below to create a new assignment and request a background check for the contractor. 

    1. Login to your Ascen dashboard. 
    2. From the left-hand panel. select Assignments.
    1. From the Assignments page, select “Create New Assignment” in the top right corner. 
    2. To begin, you will need to select a client or create a new client.
    1. Once the client is selected/created, select the job or create a new job.
    1. Once the job is selected/created, select the work location or create a new work location. 
    2. Continue to fill in the required information (pay rate, bill rate, etc.)
    3. Once complete, select “Save & Next” 
    4. Select a contractor or make a new one. Select Save & Next.
    1. Select your preferred node (if applicable) and package. Select Save & Next.
    1. Review all of the information. If all of the information is correct, submit the assignment. At this time, the candidate has been created in Checkr and the background check has been initiated.
    1. You will be redirected to the Assignment Overview page. 
    2. If you would like to view the BGC that has just been submitted, select the Assignment that you would like to view.
    1. Once the assignment is selected, a side panel will appear and you can select “View More”.
    1. From the assignment-specific page, select the tab, “Background Checks”.
    1. Here you'll be able to view all of the background checks that have been initiated for the selected contractor.

    Option 2: If the assignment already exists in the system, you can follow the steps below to order a background check for a contractor: 

    1. Login to your Ascen dashboard. 
    2. From the left-hand panel. select Assignments. 
    3. From the Assignments page, select the Assignment (you can do the same thing at the contractor level) that you would like to request a background check for.
    1. Once the assignment has been selected, a side panel will appear and you can select “View More”.
    1. From the assignment-specific page, select the tab “Background Checks”.
    1. Here you will see all of the background checks that have been initiated on the selected contractor. 
    2. If you select “Actions” in the top right-hand corner, you can select “Create New Background Check”.
    1. Select the preferred node (if applicable) and package. Select Submit.
    1. At this time, the candidate has been created in Checkr and the background check has been initiated. 

    Review background checks

    1. Login to your Ascen dashboard. 
    2. From the left-hand panel. select Assignments. 
    3. From the Assignments page, select the Contractor that you would like to review.
    1. Once the assignment has been selected, a side panel will appear and you can select “View More”.
    1. From the contractor-specific page, select the tab “Background Checks”.
    1. Here you will see all of the background checks that have been initiated on the selected contractor.

    After you order a background check, the report status appears in the Ascen contractor dashboard. After the report status changes to Clear, select the platform report URL to view the report in the Checkr Dashboard and review details. 

    For more information on reports and report statuses, refer to How do I interpret a background report.

    Resubmit a background check

    Ascen allows the user to try to submit a background check again in the case there was a failure. Please follow the steps under Order Background Checks to resubmit a background check for your new hire. 

    Non-US background checks

    Checkr defines international background checks as background checks run on candidates living and working outside of the United States. 

    Checkr currently offers the following international searches for candidates with work locations outside the United States:

    • International Criminal Search
    • Adverse Media Search - might happen automatically in countries without criminal searches
    • Identity Document Verification
    • Global Watchlist
    • Education Verification
    • Employment Verification

    US background checks with international verifications

    If your candidate works in the US but has lived or worked outside the US, add out-of-country history to any domestic criminal search or verification. 

    Screening types that can be run on domestic screenings with out-of-country history include: 

    • Education Verification
    • Employment Verification

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    A user can access the Checkr Dashboard within Ascen by following the steps below: 

    1. As an Ascen customer, log in to your Ascen dashboard. 
    2. Within your Ascen dashboard, select your name/menu drop from the left side panel. 
    3. Within the dropdown, select Integrations. 
    4. From the Integrations page, locate Checkr’s tile. If you're already connected to Checkr, you can select the “Manage” button. This will bring you to the Checkr dashboard. 

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr.

    Checkr’s candidate experience

    Checkr's candidate experience overview describes the candidate's experience of the background check process. It provides information to answer common questions and resolve common issues.


  • Ashby / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Ashby integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to Ashby, please fill out a support request for additional assistance.



    This guide describes how to set up Checkr to use within Ashby, such that Ashby users can initiate and view Checkr background checks from within the Ashby interface. 


    The following items are required to initiate Ashby / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Access to Checkr, with admin rights
    • Access to Ashby, with admin rights 
    • For Checkr customers that are simply connecting Ashby to their existing Checkr account, Segmentation is required to utilize this integration. To ensure your account is set up to be compatible, click here to contact our Support.

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with Ashby.

    1. Log into your Ashby account and navigate to Admin in the top nav bar
    2. Locate and select ‘Assessments’ on the left menu 
    3. Select the ‘+ New Integration’ option and select Checkr as the vendor
    4. Click Connect to Checkr when prompted

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with Ashby.

    To create an account for use with Ashby:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Ashby.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Ashby. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Ashby and you to begin ordering background checks through the Ashby platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created, and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check, you will be asked which node to order the check from, and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate as you normally would for any background check.
    • Select which Hierarchy node you would like to order from.

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    Once your Ashby and Checkr accounts are connected, return to a candidate’s page, and click ‘+ New Activity’.


    In the window that opens, select options for the check, and click Start the Assessment.


    Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be listed in the Ashby candidate dashboard. Once Complete, click on it to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard, and review details. (For more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report in the Checkr Help Center.)

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. 

    International Packages 

    Checkr defines international background checks as background checks run on candidate’s living and working outside of the United States. 

    Checkr currently offers the following international screenings for candidate’s with work locations outside the United States:

    • International Criminal
    • Adverse Media Search - may be enabled to automatically run if criminal not available
    • Identity Document Verification
    • Global Watchlist
    • Education Verification
    • Employment Verification

    Domestic Package with International Verifications

    If your candidate works in the United States but has out-of-country history, for example attended school internationally, request a package that includes an education verification with out-of-country history enabled. Checkr currently offers an out-of-country history setting that can be added to any domestic criminal search or verification. 

    The option can be applied for candidates who will perform their work inside the US, but who have an address history outside the US. Screening types that can be run on domestic screenings with out-of-country history include: 

    • Education Verification
    • Employment Verification

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • Atomus / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Atomus integration process and how to order background checks.



    Getting started

    The following items are required to enable the integration:

    • Admin access to Checkr and Atomus

    Connect to Checkr

    To enable Checkr from within the Atomus platform, please follow the steps below:

    1. Login to your Atomus Compliance Portal. 
    2. From the portal’s landing page, select the ‘grid’ icon in the bottom left-hand corner, titled “Integrations”. 

    1. In the “App Shop”, locate the Checkr integration tile. Select “Connect” in the top right corner of the tile. 

    1. A Checkr-hosted module will populate, asking you to sign in or sign up for Checkr. 
      • If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Atomus
      • If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields and click the “Get Started” button. Once the Sign Up process is complete, Checkr will need to credential your account. Checkr will notify both you and Atomus when your account has been credentialed. 

    1. Once the sign-in / sign-up process is complete, you will see a message that you’re ready to use Checkr in the Atomus Compliance Portal and be directed back to the “App Shop”. 
      • You will now see a green checkmark within the Checkr tile, indicating that you’re connected to Checkr from within Atomus. 

    Order background checks

    Order a background check directly from the Checkr dashboard. Atomus does not support the ordering process within its platform.

    Review background checks

    Review background checks directly from the Checkr dashboard. Atomus does not support the review of background within their platform. Rather, Atomus pulls completed background checks for users and includes the background checks in a customer’s documentation package. 

    For more information on reports and report statuses, refer to How do I interpret a background report.

    Checkr's candidate experience

    Checkr's candidate experience overview describes the candidate experience of the background check process. It provides information to answer common questions and resolve common issues.

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    The following features are available only within Checkr:

    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr.

  • Avenue Expand / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr! 

    This guide outlines the Checkr/Avenue Expand integration process and how to order background checks.

    Article content

    Getting started

    The following items are required to enable the integration:

    • Admin access to Checkr
    • Admin access to Avenue Expand

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created during the integration process with Avenue Expand. Refer to the “Connect to Checkr” section below on how to begin the Checkr account setup process from within Avenue Expand.

    Once you’ve been directed to a Checkr page during the sign-up process, you can either sign in to an existing account or create a new one.

    To create an account for use with Avenue Expand:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Avenue Expand.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not Avenue Expand. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Avenue Expand and you to begin ordering background checks through the Avenue Expand platform.

    Connect to Checkr

    1. Log in to Avenue Expand.
    2. From the left navigation menu, select "Marketplace."
    3. In Marketplace, locate the Checkr-specific tile.
    4. Select “Setup Integration.”
    5. In the pop-up that appears, select either “Sign in with an existing Checkr account” or “Create a new Checkr Account.”

    6. Complete the sign-in or sign-up process (whichever applies to your situation). 
    7. Once complete, a message will appear verifying the process is complete. You can now close out of the pop-up. You will land back on the Marketplace.
      • If you’ve chosen to sign up for a new Checkr account, Checkr will need to credential your business before you can begin running background checks. As noted in the pop-up, this can take 24-48 hours.
      • If you’ve chosen to sign in to an existing account, you can begin running background checks immediately.

    Account hierarchy

    The integration allows you to set up different "nodes" inside their Checkr account to appear when you order a background check. You can use nodes to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes after you create them. Your Checkr invoice shows which node ordered which package. 

    Each time you order a background check, you select a node to order from. Then, you choose from a list of packages available to that node. Invoices show the background checks each node ordered within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with an account hierarchy and nodes, please follow the steps within “Order Background Checks.” During the ordering process, Avenue Expand asks the user to select their preferred node/package for ordering.

    The list of packages appears based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to order. If no packages appear, you must assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr Dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on account hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, refer to the following Help Center articles: Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings.

    Order background checks

    Once your Avenue Expand and Checkr accounts have been connected, you can begin running background checks by following these steps:

    1. Login to Avenue Expand. 
    2. Select the candidate you would like to run a background check for.
    3. From the candidate’s profile, select Checkr from the top navigation bar. 
    4. Select “Quick actions.” 
    5. From the dropdown, select “Start a background check.

    6. In the "Invite Candidate" window that appears, populate the necessary fields. 
    7. Click "Submit." 

    8. Upon submission, the pop-up will show "Invitation Sent," confirming the candidate was invited to the background check. 
    9. Close the pop-up window. 

    You will land back on the candidate's profile page, where you can review all of the background check information for this specific candidate. 

    Review background checks

    Once your Avenue Expand and Checkr accounts have been connected, you can run background checks by following these steps:

    1. Select the candidate. 
    2. From the candidate's profile, select Checkr from the top navigation bar. 

    Here you can review all of the background checks run on this specific candidate. Each background check will have its own tile, reflecting the invitation or report status, and a link to view the report in the Checkr Dashboard. 

    For more information on reports and report statuses, refer to How do I interpret a background report?

    Checkr's candidate experience

    Checkr's candidate experience overview describes the candidate's experience of the background check process. It provides information to answer common questions and resolve common issues.

    Resubmit a background check

    Avenue Expand allows users to try to submit a background check again in case it fails. Please follow the steps under “Order Background Checks” to resubmit a background check for your crew member.

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and find their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

  • BambooHR / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr! 

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / BambooHR integration process. The help center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this guide. If you have any questions not covered in the help center, submit a request.




    The following is required to enable the integration:

    BambooHR Access

    • BambooHR Admins have access to request background checks
    • Custom Access Levels can be created to provide access 

    Create A New Custom Level

    1. In Step 2: What This Access Level Can Do, select Hiring
    2. Select both Manage Job Openings, Talent Pools, and Candidates and Run Background Checks
      1. Those with access to manage candidates but not run background checks will still be able to view it's status
      2. If the Checkr integration is deactivated off, BambooHR will deactivate this access permission for any Custom Levels that have it enabled. When the integration is reenabled the custom access level will need to be set again.


    Connect to Checkr

    1. Navigate to Account Settings, select the Apps section and install the Checkr App


    2. Enter your BambooHR account subdomain*.
      1. *The subdomain is the first part of your BambooHR URL. For example, if your BambooHR URL is, your subdomain would be companydomain


    3. If you already have an account, select Sign In to connect to BambooHR. If you don’t have a Checkr account, create an account to get started.


    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with BambooHR.

    To create an account for use with BambooHR:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to BambooHR.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from BambooHR. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both BambooHR and you to begin ordering background checks through the BambooHR platform.

    Removing the Legacy Integration

    If using the BambooHR - Legacy integration and wanting to update:

    1. Log in to Checkr
    2. Select Admin tab
    3. Select Integrations
    4. Select Application Details below BambooHR
    5. Select the garbage can icon and delete the integration

    Removing Legacy Custom Statuses

    To delete the custom statuses within BambooHR:

    Navigate to Settings Hiring and click on Candidate Statuses.

    Delete the following statuses:

    • Background Check Initiate
    • Background Check in Progress Checkr 
    • Background Check Complete - Consider
    • Background Check Complete - Clear

    Installing the New App

    If you are already using Checkr in BambooHR and need to update the integration,

    1. Log in to Checkr
    2. Log in to BambooHR, select App Settings
    3. Select to Install the Checkr app
    4. Select install the Checkr integration
    5. You will need to log in to Checkr before you can initiate the installation.

    Account Hierarchy

    With Account Hierarchy you can set up Cost Centers (nodes) within the Checkr dashboard for background checks. Nodes can be used to assign different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Assign a package to a node and it will appear on your invoice. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node. Once created, when ordering to order a background check:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate
    • Select the node
    • Select the background check package

    Your list of available packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package. If you do not see any packages, you will need to assign a package to that node in your Checkr dashboard.

    Order A Background Check

    1. Select the gear icon on the candidate record in BambooHR.
    2. Select Run Background Check. article_11128085459863.webp
    3. Enter the following information:
    4. Candidate email address
    5. Country
    6. State
    7. Select Background Check Package
    8. Select Send Background Check BambooHRBackgroundCheck.png
    9. The background check status will show on the candidate's profile
    10. Authorized users can select to view the report in Checkr or cancel the request.
    11. When a request is canceled or expires, you will have the option to run another background check after 72 hours.
    12. The status will still be visible to Hiring Leads and Collaborators that do not have access to request a background check.ViewReport.png
    13. You can track the history of the background check under the History subtab within the Notes tab on the candidate profile. BambooHR will track when the request is sent and by who, if the request is canceled, and when the request is complete. Click on the link to open the report in the Checkr dashboard, and review details.


    Checkr Features

    Additional Checkr account features and useful help center information for getting started:

    Additional Resources

    International Searches

    Checkr offers several global searches for organizations hiring outside the United States (US). Depending on the location, Checkr offers a combination of criminal searches, global watchlist searches, education and employment verifications, adverse media searches, and identity document validation.

    International Verifications

    If your candidate works in the United States but has out-of-country history, for example attended school internationally, request a background check package that includes an education verification with out-of-country history enabled. The option can be applied for candidates who will perform their work inside the US, but who have an address history outside the US. Screening types that can be run on domestic screenings with out-of-country history include: 

  • Breezy HR / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Breezy HR integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process.

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to Breezy, please email for additional assistance.




    The following items are required to initiate Breezy HR / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Access to Breezy HR, with admin rights
    • BreezyHR paid plan

    Enable Checkr setup

    Admins can enable the integration in their recruiting preferences.

    1. Click the gear icon ⚙️ in the left sidebar.
    2. Hover over Recruiting Preferences and click Integrations.
    3. Scroll to Background Screening.
    4. Locate Checkr and click Enable.
    5. Follow the prompts to sign into (or create) your Checkr account and connect it to Breezy.

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with BreezyHR.

    To create an account for use with BreezyHR:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to BreezyHR.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from BreezyHR. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both BreezyHR and you to begin ordering background checks through the BreezyHR platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created, and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check, you will be asked which node to order the check from, and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate as you normally would for any background check.
    • Select which Hierarchy node you would like to order from.

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    Hiring Managers can request a background check from a candidate’s profile.

    1. Open the candidate’s profile.
    2. Click the More dropdown near the top-left corner of the screen.
    3. Click Background Checks to open the Background Checks tab.
    4. Click Send Background Check.
    5. Choose an option from the Node dropdown (these are set up in your Checkr account).
    6. Choose an option from the Background Checks dropdown.
    7. Select the work location country.
    8. Select the work location state, for US-based positions.
    9. Enter the work location city, for US-based positions.
    10. Click Send.
    11. You can check the status of the background screen, and find the results, in the Background Checks tab of the candidate’s profile.
    Send Checkr background check

    Note: The candidate’s first and last name, email address, and work location are required to run a background check. Special characters in the name fields will prevent the background check from running (e.g., - , / *).

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations.

    International Packages 

    Checkr defines international background checks as background checks run on candidate’s living and working outside of the United States. 

    Checkr currently offers the following international screenings for candidate’s with work locations outside the United States:

    • International Criminal
    • Adverse Media Search - may be enabled to automatically run if criminal not available
    • Identity Document Verification
    • Global Watchlist
    • Education Verification
    • Employment Verification

    Domestic Package with International Verifications

    If your candidate works in the United States but has out-of-country history, for example attended school internationally, request a package that includes an education verification with out-of-country history enabled. Checkr currently offers an out-of-country history setting that can be added to any domestic criminal search or verification. 

    The option can be applied for candidates who will perform their work inside the US, but who have an address history outside the US. Screening types that can be run on domestic screenings with out-of-country history include: 

    • Education Verification
    • Employment Verification

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • Bullhorn / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    Once you have successfully signed up and on-boarded with Checkr, the integration process can begin! This guide describes the requirements and steps necessary to get your Bullhorn instance up and running using Checkr.

    If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to Bullhorn, please email for additional assistance.  If you have questions that are Checkr-related, please contact your Customer Success Manager.



    Getting started with Checkr on Bullhorn

    This guide describes how to integrate Checkr with Bullhorn, such that Bullhorn users can request and view Checkr background checks from within the Bullhorn interface.

    The following items are required to initiate Bullhorn / Checkr integration:

    From Bullhorn:

    1. A REST-enabled Bullhorn instance. This can be confirmed by Bullhorn support.
    2. Your Bullhorn Corporate ID. This is typically a few-digit number like “12345”. (It is not the same as Client ID, which is a long string with numbers, dashes, and letters.)
    3. A Bullhorn username and password for Checkr to use for API integration. The minimum credentials needed for this account are to View/Edit Candidate Information.  
    4. A Bullhorn account with admin rights so you can configure the Checkr integration for your users.

    From Checkr:

    1. Access to Checkr dashboard, with admin rights.
    2. An authentication token, which Checkr will provide to you after you have confirmed your Bullhorn instance is REST-enabled, and have provided Checkr with your Bullhorn Corporate ID and username/password information for the API account.  

    From you:

    1. Your desired integration workflow (Invitation vs Manual).  

    Enable Your Bullhorn Integration with Checkr

    Please work with your Bullhorn contact to have their Technical Support Team submit a ticket to Checkr Customer Support to get your integration up and running.

    Your Bullhorn contact will also ask you to choose between the Invitation Workflow or the Manual Workflow. These workflows are described below:

    Manual Workflow

    • Report Type: Criminal, or Criminal + MVR Note: When packages are selected requiring more than a MVR or Criminal Check + MVR, Checkr will present the Invitation flow rather than the Manual flow.
    • Description: Recruiter uses the fields provided by Checkr to enter candidate Personally Identifiable Information (PII) required to initiate the background check. The candidate is not contacted by Checkr for this information.
    • Disclosures and Consent: Certified by recruiter with a checkbox when ordering the report.
    • Background Check Begins: Immediately.

    Invitation Workflow

    • Report Type: Any.
    • Description: Checkr emails the candidate directly to collect required PII, distribute disclosures, and gather consent to run the background check.
    • Disclosures and Consent: Gathered from candidate through the candidate’s invitation responses.
    • Background Check Begins: After candidate successfully responds to invitation with requested information.

    Within two business days of having received your preferred workflow (Invitation or Manual), Checkr will activate your integration with the desired behavior.  

    Add Checkr tab to Candidate view layout

    From within the client’s Bullhorn installation, select Admin > View Layout.

    • Select Private Label: Checkr Inc
    • Select Field Map Entity: Candidate
    • Click Custom tabs > Add New, and enter:
      • Name: Checkr
      • Enabled: Select
      • URL:<authentication_token_provided_by_Checkr>

    As described above, this authentication token will be provided upon confirmation that your Bullhorn instance is REST-enabled, and receipt of your Bullhorn Corporate ID and username/password information for the API account.  

      • Partner Name: Checkr
      • User Types: Select appropriate user types
    • Click Save to save changes and create the Checkr tab.


    Request background checks

    Checkr allows you to request background checks from within Bullhorn for individual candidates. To initiate a background check, at minimum, a candidate’s first name, last name, and email must be populated in Bullhorn. To complete the background check, you will also be required to provide additional candidate information, including their Middle Name, Zipcode, Date of Birth, and Social Security Number. You will also be required to confirm that the candidate has consented to the background check, and has received and reviewed any necessary legal disclosures.

    (If you prefer video learning, log into Checkr's Learning Center to watch a short video.)

    Checkr provides two means to capture this required information:

    • Invitation: In this workflow, Checkr will email the candidate a secure link to acknowledge disclosures and to provide consent, as well as any additional required information to run the background check. In the form sent to the candidate, the following fields will be pre-populated with any information that exists in Bullhorn: First Name, Last Name, Email, Middle Name, Zipcode, Date of Birth, and Social Security Number.  
    • Manual: In this workflow, you (the Bullhorn user) manually provide the information required to initiate a background check. This information includes the candidate’s Middle Name, Zipcode, Date of Birth, and Social Security Number. You must also confirm that the required forms and disclosures have been reviewed by the candidate, and that they have provided their consent for the background check to be run.  

    The manual entry workflow supports both criminal-based background checks and packages that contain background checks and a motor vehicle report (MVR). This workflow reduces the turnaround time required for a report by eliminating the time required for the candidate to review and complete the invitation. If Manual workflow is enabled, but a report requiring more information than a criminal background check is selected, you will be notified that the Invitation flow will automatically be used for that report.

    NOTE: The option used by your organization will be chosen by your administrator and configured by Checkr.

    Individual background checks

    To initiate a background check for a candidate, select Menu > Candidates to open the Candidates list page.


    Click the name of the candidate for whom a background check should be initiated to open their profile page, then click the Checkr tab.

    Select the required Geo, Program, and Package to initiate the background check. Checkr will list the screenings included in the Package, and request confirmation to proceed.

    If the Manual flow is enabled and a supported package is selected, fill in any additional required fields and click Order Report.

    NOTE: While Middle Name is not a required field in Bullhorn, it is required for an accurate background check. Please click the “No Middle Name” checkbox only for candidates that do not have a middle name.

    If Invitation flow is enabled or  an unsupported package is selected, click Send Invitation.  


    Once complete, Bullhorn will display the results of the background check in the candidate’s Checkr tab.


    View results

    Completed reports may be viewed both within Bullhorn, and from the Checkr dashboard. To view reports within Bullhorn, go to the candidate’s profile, and click the Checkr tab. Bullhorn will display a list of reports ordered for the candidate, and their status.

    For more information on the status listed, please see What does the status of the report indicate? in the Checkr Help Center.


    Click View Report to be redirected to a login page for the Checkr dashboard. Enter your Checkr login username and password to view the report’s details. Click Download PDF to download a PDF version of the report.

    Checkr dashboard

    Use the Checkr dashboard to view report details, and initiate and manage the Adverse Action process. For more information on Checkr, see our Help Center.

  • CareSmartz360 / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr! 

    This guide outlines the Checkr/CareSmartz360 integration process and how to order background checks.



    Getting started

    The following items are required to enable the Checkr integration with CareSmartz360:

    • Admin-level access to Checkr
    • Admin-level access to CareSmartz360

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created during the integration process with CareSmartz360. Refer to the “Connect to Checkr” section below to begin the Checkr account setup process from within CareSmartz360.

    To create an account for use with CareSmartz360:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to CareSmartz360.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from CareSmartz360. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both CareSmartz360 and you to begin ordering background checks through the CareSmartz360 platform.

    Connect to Checkr

    1. Log into your CareSmartz360 account.
    2. In the Admin Settings navigation pane on the left side of the screen, select "Configuration." 
    3. Select "Background Verification." This will open the Checkr Settings page.

    4. Select "Sign Up & Sign In." This will redirect you to the Checkr sign-up / sign-in page.
    5. Complete the Checkr-hosted sign-up or sign-in process.
    6. Once you've completed the flow, you'll see a confirmation message. You may close this window.

    7. Upon closing the window, you'll be redirected back to the Checkr Settings page in CareSmarts360.
    8. Select "Refresh."

    If you signed up for a new Checkr account, you will see that your account is connected but not authorized. The credentialing process can take 24-48 hours. Once credentialing is complete, you will be notified. 

    If you signed into an existing Checkr account, you will see that your account is both connected and authorized.


    Order background checks

    Once your Caresmartz360 and Checkr accounts have been connected and credentialed, you can order background checks. 

    1. Open the Caregiver Details profile for the caregiver whom you wish to run a background check.

    2. Select the "Background Check" tab.

    3. Select "Order Background check."
    4. Complete the "Invite Candidate" form by selecting your preferred node (if applicable), package, email, and phone number. 

    5. When complete, click "Submit."

    To confirm the invitation was sent, check the caregiver's Report History page. If the report was successfully ordered, you will see a new background check tile with the status "Invitation sent." Use the Report History page to monitor the status of the background check. 

    Review background checks

    1. Open the Caregiver Details profile for the caregiver whose background check you wish to review.

    2. Select the "Background Check" tab.

    Here you can view the caregiver's Report History, which details all background checks run on the caregiver. 

    Once the report status changes to Complete, select the timestamp hyperlink to be redirected to your Checkr Dashboard, where you can review the full details of the report.

    For more information on reports and report statuses, refer to How do I interpret a background report?

    Checkr's account hierarchy

    The integration allows you to set up different "nodes" inside their Checkr account to appear when you order a background check. You can use nodes to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes after you create them. Your Checkr invoice shows which node ordered which package. 

    Each time you order a background check, you select a node to order from. Then, you choose from a list of packages available to that node. Invoices show the background checks each node ordered within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with an account hierarchy and nodes, please follow the steps within “Order Background Checks.” During the ordering process, CareSmartz360 asks the user to select their preferred node/package for ordering.

    The list of packages appears based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to order. If no packages appear, you must assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr Dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on account hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, refer to the following Help Center articles: Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings.

    Checkr's candidate experience

    Checkr's candidate experience overview describes the candidate's experience with the background check process. It provides information to answer common questions and resolve common issues.

    Resubmit a background check

    CareSmartz360 allows users to try to submit a background check again in case it fails. Please follow the steps under Order background checks to resubmit a background check for your new hire.

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the CareSmartz360 integration allows users to order background checks and find their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

  • Ceipal / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Ceipal integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to Ceipal, please fill out a support request for additional assistance.



    This guide describes how to set up Checkr to use within Ceipal, such that Ceipal users can initiate and view Checkr background checks from within the Ceipal interface. 


    The following items are required to initiate Ceipal / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Access to Ceipal, with admin rights 
    • Access to Checkr, with admin rights

    Add Checkr to Ceipal

    First, enable Checkr from within Ceipal. You must have admin access to both Checkr and Ceipal to complete this process. 

    Enable Checkr setup

    To initiate the Checkr integration, go to your Ceipal home page. 

    1. From the Ceipal home page, click on the user icon on the top right-hand corner.Ceipal1.png
    2. Within the menu dropdown, click “View Profile”.                                                                              Ceipal2.png
    3. Within the user profile, select “User Preferences”. Ceipal3.png
    4. Within user preferences, scroll down to the “Checkr BGV” option. Ceipal4.png
    5. While viewing “Checkr BGV”, you can select the blue arrow icon to authorize and enable your connection with Checkr.                                                                                                                                                   Ceipal5.png

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with Ceipal.

    To create an account for use with Ceipal:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Ceipal.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Ceipal. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Ceipal and you to begin ordering background checks through the Ceipal platform.Ceipal7.png

    Account Hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created, and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check, you will be asked which node to order the check from, and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate as you normally would for any background check.
    • Select which Hierarchy node you would like to order from.

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    1. From the top menu bar within the Ceipal application, navigate to the Applicants tab. 
      1. The Applicants tab shows all of the applicants and the jobs they have applied for. 
    2. By clicking into an applicant and then section Submission Record, you will be brought to the applicant’s job submission. 
    3. On the submission page, the top menu bar will have an array of options. By Selecting the icon highlighted in the image below, you will be able to select Initiate Background Check.Ceipal8.png
    4. Once selected, you will next select “Initiate Checkr Background Check” from the dropdown.Ceipal9.png
    5. A window will light-frame titled “Checkr Background Screening” Ceipal10.png
    6. Within the window, please fill out the applicable candidate information. 
    7. Once the information is complete, you will select “Initiate” to initiate the background check order for the candidate.  
    8. If initiated successfully, you will see a window popup with the message “Candidate initiated for background verification through Checkr Background Screening”. 

    Monitoring Background Checks

    1. To review and monitor an applicant’s background check status, you can either navigate to the Applicants Tab or the Job Posting Tab and click on both the applicant and their specific job submission. 
    2. Within an applicant’s submission overview, you can select “Background Checks” from the top menu bar. 
    3. Here the applicant will have a “Background Check Results” section which will reflect the Background Check Requested, Processing Status, Result, Last Updated, ETA as well as a link to the Checkr dashboard to review the report within Checkr. Ceipal12.png
    4. Please note, “Background Check Results” can show multiple background checks requested for the applicant. 
    5. Underneath “Background Check Results”, the user will see an “Activities” section, which details the recent activity log for the requested BGC. 

    For monitoring purposes, Ceipal also offers a Background check status consolidated report where the user can see the status of all the orders in a single place and can open the report of the respective order from the screen below. 


    Once Complete, click on it to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard, and review details. (For more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report in the Checkr Help Center.)

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. 

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • ClayHR / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / ClayHR integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to ClayHR, submit a request to contact us.




    The following items are required to initiate ClayHR / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Access to ClayHR, with admin rights 
      • Or have the following permissions: Candidate Home View, Candidate View
      • Each user will have access to different integrations

    Enable Checkr setup

    1. Please login to the ClayHR Platform. 
    2. Select the ‘Settings’ dial in the top right hand corner. This menu will be a dropdown and you should select ‘Third Party Integrations’. 
    3. Once selected, you will be brought to the ‘Third Party Integrations’ page. From this page, select the ‘New Integration’ button. 
    4. Select Integration Type > ‘Background Check’  > ‘Checkr’
    5. Once selected, you can customize the name of the integration. 
    6. Select ‘Save Integration’. 
    7. Once saved, click your user profile in the top right-hand corner. This will populate a dropdown menu. Select ‘My Integrations’.
    8. On the ‘My Integrations’ page opens,  you must click ‘Connect to Checkr’. This will redirect you to the Checkr hosted Sign Up / Sign In flow 
    • If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to ClayHR.
    • If you are not a current Checkr customer, select Sign Up to create a Checkr account, and add your billing and credentialing information
    1. Once you’ve signed-in or signed-up, you will be redirected back to the ‘My Integrations’ page in ClayHR. 
    2. If you’ve successfully signed-in, you will see that you’re connected with a green ‘Connected’ icon and the connection button will display ‘Disconnect from Checkr’. 

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with ClayHR.

    To create an account for use with ClayHR:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to ClayHR.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from ClayHR. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both ClayHR and you to begin ordering background checks through the ClayHR platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The ClayHR integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the ClayHR background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check within ClayHR, you will be asked which node to order the check from, and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes, follow the steps outlined in the section below, ‘Order Background Checks’. 

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's 

    Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    To order a Background Check from within ClayHR, please follow the steps below. 

    1. Once logged into ClayHR and you’ve confirmed your integration with Checkr has been enabled, from within the Hiring Module (top navigation bar, select ‘Hiring’), go to ‘Candidates’ and open a candidate’s profile.  This will open a candidate specific profile and you will see all of the information related to the candidate. 
    2. From the left panel, on the candidate view page, go to the ‘Admin’ section. 
    3. From within the ‘Admin’ section, select ‘Start Background Check’. A module will appear and ask you to complete the following: Nodes, Package, Country, State and City. 
      1. Nodes, Package, Country and State are required fields. Checkr background checks rely on job location information to determine which disclosures and authorizations to use in pre-employment screenings. 
      2. City is optional and can be typed in to populate
    1. Once complete, select ‘Start Background Check’. This initiates the invitation process with the candidate and will be tracked accordingly (see ‘Monitoring a Background Check’ below). 

    International Packages 

    Checkr defines international background checks as background checks run on candidate’s living and working outside of the United States. If your candidate works in the United States but has out-of-country history, for example, attended school internationally, request a package that includes an education verification with out-of-country history enabled.

    Checkr currently offers the following international screenings for candidates with work locations outside the United States:

    • International Criminal
    • Adverse Media Search - may be enabled to automatically run if criminal is not available
    • Identity Document Verification
    • Global Watchlist
    • Education Verification
    • Employment Verification

    Domestic Package with International Verifications

    If your candidate works in the United States but has out-of-country history, Checkr currently offers an out-of-country history setting that can be added to any domestic criminal search or verification. The option can be applied for candidates who will perform their work inside the US, but who have an address history outside the US. Screening types that can be run on domestic screenings with out-of-country history include: 

    • Education Verification
    • Employment Verification

    Review A Background Check

    To monitor background checks from within ClayHR, please follow the steps below. 

    1. Once logged into ClayHR and you’ve confirmed your integration with Checkr has been enabled, from within the Hiring Module (top navigation bar, select ‘Hiring’), go to ‘Candidates’ and open a candidate’s profile.  This will open a candidate-specific profile, and you will see all of the information related to the candidate. 
    2. From the left panel, on the candidate view page, go to the ‘Admin’ section. 
    3. On the Admin page, you will see the ‘Start Background Check’ button and a dropdown arrow. Selecting the dropdown arrow will populate a list of all of the initiated background checks. 
    4. Select the background check that you would like to see the status of and you will be brought to a progress page detailing the background check and its status. 
    5. Once a check has been marked Complete, click on it to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard, and review details. 

    Reviewing Statuses and Completed Results

    Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be listed in the ClayHR candidate specific progress page. Once Complete, click on it to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard, and review details. 

    For more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report in the Checkr Help Center which covers:

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. 

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the ClayHR integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • ClearCompany / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / ClearCompany integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process.

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to ClearCompany, please email for additional assistance.




    The following items are required to initiate ClearCompany / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Access to Checkr and ClearCompany, with admin rights

    Enable Checkr Setup

    To initiate integration, “Navigate to a candidate’s profile. Click “actions” underneath their profile:

    Select “3rd Party Background Checks” to be taken to the Checkr options.

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with ClearCompany.

    To create an account for use with ClearCompany:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to ClearCompany.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from ClearCompany. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both ClearCompany and you to begin ordering background checks through the ClearCompany platform.

    Order Background Checks

    Once your ClearCompany and Checkr accounts are connected, return to a candidate’s page, and click Start Background Check.

    In the window that opens, select options for the check, and click Start Background Check.


    Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be listed in the ClearCompany candidate dashboard. Once Complete, click on it to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard, and review details. (For more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report in the Checkr Help Center.)

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations.

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • Comeet / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Comeet integration process, including how to set up your Checkr account on the Comeet platform, how to use the Checkr dashboard, and how to review background check results. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to Comeet, please fill out a support request for additional assistance.




    The following items are required to initiate Comeet / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Access to Comeet, with admin rights 

    Enable Checkr setup

    1. To enable the integration, login to your Comeet dashboard.
    2. Navigate to the Settings Panel and go to the Integrations section > find Checkr under the Assessments Tools section:Screen_Shot_2021-11-10_at_3.41.17_PM.png
    3. Select Integrate and click on Step 1: Connect Your Checkr Account
    4. After signing in, or signing up, Select Activate to connect to Checkr.C4.png

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with Comeet.

    To create an account for use with Comeet:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Comeet.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Comeet. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Comeet and you to begin ordering background checks through the Comeet platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created, and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check, you will be asked which node to order the check from, and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate as you normally would for any background check.
    • Select which Hierarchy node you would like to order from.

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    Adding a Checkr Assessment Step in Comeet

    Once your Comeet and Checkr accounts are connected, return to the position you are hiring for and create a new workflow step by selecting “+ Add Step” in the Workflow tab


    1. Edit the step type to > Checkr

    2. Select which package you would like to run for this position. You can either select a package that you always want to run or the recruiter can select it on a candidate-by-candidate basis.
    3. Once a candidate reaches the Checkr stage in your hiring workflow, the workflow step should show in the recruiters workflow. You can then select the package and click Start


    Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be listed in the Comeet candidate dashboard. Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. 

    Reviewing Results

    Once Complete, click to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard, and review details. You will either see a "Pass" if nothing came up on the background check or "Review" if something did come up. If the background check returns with a “Pass” result, the workflow is automatically advanced to the next step. In both the “Review” or “Pass” scenario, There is a link to "Review in Checkr" which will take you to that specific background check report in your Checkr dashboard.


    In the event of a "Review" status, we recommend going to Checkr to handle the review and adjudication so you can ensure compliance with various EEOC rules. You will see the "Pre-Adverse Action" button in Checkr if something does show up on the background check report which automates that process. After adjudicating in Checkr, reject or advance the candidate by selecting Go or No-go in Comeet


    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • ControlMap / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / ControlMap integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to ControlMap, submit a request to contact us.



    This guide describes how to set up Checkr to use within ControlMap, such that ControlMap users can initiate and view Checkr background checks from within the ControlMap interface. 


    The following items are required to initiate the ControlMap | Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding:

    • Access to ControlMap, with admin rights 

    Enable Checkr setup

    To enable Checkr from within the ControlMap platform, please follow the steps below: 

    1. Login to the ControlMap platform. 
    2. From your homepage, use the navigation bar on the left side of the page to select ‘Integrations’. 
    3. From the ‘Integrations’ page, select the ‘+ Integration’ purple icon in the top right corner. This will bring you to a page of available integrations. 
    4. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Under ‘Background Checks’ you will see Checkr. Select ‘Connect’. 
    5. Clicking ‘Connect’ will bring you to a new page with detailed information on the Checkr integration. 
    6. Click on ‘Connect to Checkr’.
    7. You will be redirected to the Checkr hosted, sign-in / sign-up flow to connect an existing or new Checkr account.
      1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to ControlMap.
      2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, select Sign Up to create a Checkr account.
    8. Once you are connected and signed in, you will be brought back to ControlMap. You will be redirected to the ‘Integrations’ page for Checkr where you can select your preferred schedule for weekly or daily syncs.
    9. Based on the schedule, ControlMap will scan your Checkr account and update ControlMap with relevant information. 
      1. Upon account setup, ControlMap will do an initial scan. 
      2. Customers can also manually sync BGC reports to ControlMap 

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with ControlMap.

    To create an account for use with ControlMap:


    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to ControlMap.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from ControlMap. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both ControlMap and you to begin ordering background checks through the ControlMap platform.
      1. Once you are connected and signed in, you will be brought back to ControlMap. You will be redirected to the ‘Integrations’ page for Checkr where you can select your preferred schedule for weekly or daily syncs.
      2. Based on the schedule, ControlMap will scan your Checkr account and update ControlMap with relevant information. 
      3. Upon account setup, ControlMap will do an initial scan. 
      4. Customers can also manually sync BGC reports to ControlMap.

    Order Background Checks

    To order background checks, a Checkr customer must order a background check directly from their Checkr dashboard. ControlMap does not support the ordering process within their platform. ControlMap will receive completed background check report information from Checkr Accounts. 

    Review A Background Check

    ControlMap only receives completed report information from Checkr accounts. To view completed report information within ControlMap, please follow the steps below: 

    1. From the ControlMap dashboard, navigate to ‘Integrations’ and select ‘Checkr’. 
    2. From within ‘Checkr’, you will see the following options: 
      1. Compliance Checks
      2. Background Checks
      3. Connection
      4. Schedule 
      5. Logs 
      6. Help
    3. Select ‘Background Checks’ to display a list of all completed background check reports. 
      1. This page details: Account, Employee, Background Check Complete, Background Check Status, Link to Checkr dashboard for the report, First Seen and Last Checked. 
    4. Select ‘Schedule’ to modify the scan schedule. You can schedule this scan to run daily or weekly.

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the ControlMap integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • Crelate / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Crelate integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to Crelate, please fill out a support request for additional assistance.




    The following items are required to initiate Crelate / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Access to Crelate, with admin rights 

    Add Checkr to Crelate

    First, enable Checkr from within Crelate. You must have admin access to both Checkr and Crelate to complete this process. 

    Enable Checkr setup

    To initiate integration, go to account settings and then integrations: 


    Select Start Background Check and Sign In to your Checkr account.

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with Crelate.

    To create an account for use with Crelate:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Crelate.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Crelate. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Crelate and you to begin ordering background checks through the Crelate platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created, and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check, you will be asked which node to order the check from, and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate as you normally would for any background check.
    • Select which Hierarchy node you would like to order from.

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    Once your Crelate and Checkr accounts are connected, return to a candidate’s page, and click Start Background Check.

    In the window that opens, select options for the check, and click Start Background Check.



    Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be listed in the Crelate candidate summary details. Once Complete, click on it to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard, and review details. 



    (For more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report in the Checkr Help Center.)

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. 

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • Crendentially / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Crendentially / Checkr integration process and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to Credentially, please fill out a support request for additional assistance.




    The following items are required to initiate Credentially / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Access to Credentially, with admin rights
    • Access to Checkr, with admin rights

    To enable Checkr for your organization, you will need to first contact to enable the Checkr integration connection on Credentially. 

    Enable Checkr Setup

    1)  Go to your organization on Credentially under your "Administrator" (default) profile 

    2) Then, navigate to "Organization Settings" -> "Integrations" (on the left-hand panel) -> Edit (in the Actions column for Checkr) -> "Connect Checkr Account"

    Important Note: When the integration is connected to your organization on Credentially, Checkr will continue sending out all related notifications directly to Administrators and Staff Members. Therefore, notification texts (or notification preferences for Administrators) cannot be configured by or in Credentially. Please navigate to your Checkr dashboard to make any changes.

    Create A Checkr Account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with Crendentially.

    To create an account for use with Crendentially:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Crendentially.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Crendentially. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Crendentially and you to begin ordering background checks through the Crendentially platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check, you will be asked which node to order the check from and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate as you normally would for any background check.
    • Select which Hierarchy node you would like to order from.

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    1. Administrators initiating background checks:
      1. Default Administrators and administrative roles with "Edit" permissions can initiate a check for a Staff Member in a few clicks. Administrators with “View” permissions can only see Background Checks that have already been initiated.
      2. While on a Staff Member profile, navigate to “Background Checks” on your left hand toolbar. 
      3. Click “Add New Check” in the upper right hand corner, and select Checkr as your screening service.
      4. Enter the Work Location of the Staff Member. State is required, city is optional but recommended.
      5. If your organization uses Account Hierarchy and Nodes in Checkr, select the appropriate Node.
      6. Node selection will prompt you to select the specific Background Check Package for that Staff Member at the indicated Work Location.
      7. Once you’ve selected your package, click the green “Add New Check” button at the bottom of the screen.


    You may change Account Hierarchy (the Node section) in your Checkr account so it is also automatically updated on Credentially.

    Important Note: A standard package contains the list of the default screenings; however, you can request a bespoke package in your Checkr account by contacting our customer support team. 

    1. Staff Members Completing Background Checks 
      1. Once an Administrator has assigned a check to a Staff Member, Staff Member will receive a Checkr notification to complete a background check.
    2. To do so, they need to go to "My profile" -> "Background Checks" - > "Start Check":
    3. The Staff Member will need to click "complete invitation", and will be directed to Checkr's website. Here they will need to provide consent to run the requested checks and an electronic signature.

    International Packages

    Checkr defines international background checks as background checks run on candidates living and working outside of the United States. 

    Checkr currently offers the following international screenings for candidates with work locations outside the United States:

    • International Criminal
    • Adverse Media Search - may be enabled to automatically run if criminal is not available
    • Identity Document Verification
    • Global Watchlist
    • Education Verification
    • Employment Verification

    Domestic Package with International Verifications

    If your candidate works in the United States but has out-of-country history, for example, attended school internationally, request a package that includes an education verification with out-of-country history enabled. Checkr currently offers an out-of-country history setting that can be added to any domestic criminal search or verification. 

    The option can be applied for candidates who will perform their work inside the US but who have an address history outside the US. Screening types that can be run on domestic screenings with out-of-country history include: 

    • Education Verification
    • Employment Verification

    Reviewing Background Checks

    (For Administrators)

    Administrators will be notified that a Staff Member has completed the Checkr Background Check Invitation once the Staff Member has finalized the submission process for the required information. 

    • Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be listed in the ‘Background Checks’ area of a Staff Member’s profile. 
    • Credentially will automatically display any status updates received from Checkr right on the same ‘Background Checks’ area and within the report details
    • Once Complete, click on ‘Report Details’ to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard for review. (For more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report in the Checkr Help Center.)

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. Credentially will automatically reflect all status updates received from Checkr in the ‘Background Checks’ area in the left-hand navigation.

    Background Check Statuses

     The statuses displayed for Administrators:

    Not Started: A Checkr check has been assigned to a Staff Member by an Administrator, but it hasn’t been started by the Staff Member.

    Started: A Checkr check has been started by the Staff Member.

    Pending:  It could indicate one of the below statuses:

    • The Staff Member has completed the invitation, and the report is now in progress
    • The report has been completed with a “consider” result (the adjudication process hasn’t been started)
    • The report has been completed with a “consider” result (the adjudication process has been started but hasn’t been completed)

    Clear:  It could indicate one of the below statuses:

    • The report has been completed with no issues found
    • The report has been completed with some issues found and an Administrator has decided to engage the Staff Member during the adjudication process

    Not Eligible: Indicates the report has been completed with some issues found and an Administrator has decided NOT to engage the Staff Member during the adjudication process.

    Suspended: It indicates the report has been suspended after an exception occurred (e.g., their entered SSN or Driver's License was returned as invalid), and the Staff Member either did not resolve this within the 7-day window OR they entered another invalid value upon updating their data.

    Canceled: It could indicate one of the below statuses:

    • The invitation has been deleted (canceled) before the Staff Member completed it
    • The report has been canceled after it was started

    Expired: The invitation expired before the Staff Member completed it.

    Background Check Info Credentially Displays for Administrators

    On the Credentially system default, Administrators and administrative roles with "Background checks" permissions have access to:

    • Staff Member's check status
    • Created at (time)
    • Completed at (time) 
    • Last updated (time)
    • Included Screenings 
    • Check History
      • To drill down to the history of the check, click "View History" in the opened check on Credentially. You will then be able to see when and by whom certain actions on the check have been triggered.

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr's Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center, where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • Criteria Corp / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Criteria Corp integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to Criteria Corp, please email for additional assistance.



    This guide describes how to set up Checkr to use within Criteria Corp, such that Criteria Corp users can initiate, view, and process Checkr background checks from within the Criteria Corp interface. 


    The following items are required to initiate Criteria Corp / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Access to Criteria Corp, with admin rights 

    Add Checkr to Criteria Corp

    First, enable Checkr from within Criteria Corp. You must have admin access to both Checkr and Criteria Corp to complete this process. 

    Enable Checkr setup

    To initiate integration, click on the Settings icon then click Integrations. 



    If you already have a Checkr account, Sign In.

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with Criteria Corp.

    To create an account for use with Criteria Corp:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Criteria Corp.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Criteria Corp. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Criteria Corp and you to begin ordering background checks through the Criteria Corp platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created, and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check, you will be asked which node to order the check from, and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate as you normally would for any background check.
    • Select which Hierarchy node you would like to order from.

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    Once your Criteria Corp and Checkr accounts are connected, return to a candidate’s page in the Results section, and click Run a Background Check.


    In the window that opens, select options for the check, and click Request Background Check.


    Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be listed in the Criteria Corp candidate dashboard. When finished, click on the Checkr Complete button to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard, and review the details. (For more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report in the Checkr Help Center.)

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. 

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • Discovered ATS / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Discovered ATS integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to Discovered ATS submit a request to contact us.




    The following items are required to initiate Discovered ATS / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Admin access to Checkr and Discovered ATS

    Enable Checkr 

    To enable Checkr from within Discovered ATS, please follow the steps below. 

    Option 1

    1. Log in to Discovered ATS
    2. From account settings, select “Checkr Settings”. 
    3. Select “Connect or Create Checkr Account”.
    4. If you already have a Checkr account, select Sign In.

    Option 2

    1. Log in to Discovered ATS
    2. Once logged in, you will be on the Discovered ATS dashboard homepage.
    3. Select a job and then a candidate
    4. Under “Background Check” select “Integration with Checkr”
    5. If you already have a Checkr account, select Sign In.


    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with Discovered ATS.

    To create an account for use with Discovered ATS:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Discovered ATS.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Discovered ATS. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Discovered ATS and you to begin ordering background checks through the Discovered ATS platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The Discovered ATS integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the Discovered ATS background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created, and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check within Discovered ATS, you will be asked which node to order the check from and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate as you normally would for any background check through Discovered ATS.
    • Select which Hierarchy node you would like to order from.

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's 

    Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    To order a background check:

    1. On a job posting, navigate to the candidate profile of the candidate you wish to request a background check for. 
    2. Once within the candidate profile, navigate to the “Background Check” section and select “Request background check”. Discovered_ATS_3.png
    3. Once selected, the “Invite Candidate” workflow will begin and the user will be prompted to select: Country, State, City, Background Check Package, and email of the candidate. 
    4. Once complete, select “submit”. By selecting “submit”, the user will receive a confirmation on the screen that an invitation will be sent to the candidate to initiate the background check.  Discovered_ATS_4.png

    International Packages 

    Checkr defines international background checks as background checks run on candidate’s living and working outside of the United States. If your candidate works in the United States but has out-of-country history, for example attended school internationally, the user should request a package that includes an education verification with out-of-country history enabled.

    Checkr currently offers the following international screenings for candidate’s with work locations outside the United States:

    • International Criminal
    • Adverse Media Search - may be enabled to automatically run if criminal not available
    • Identity Document Verification
    • Global Watchlist
    • Education Verification
    • Employment Verification

    Domestic Package with International Verifications

    If your candidate works in the United States but has out-of-country history, Checkr currently offers an out-of-country history setting that can be added to any domestic criminal search or verification. The option can be applied for candidates who will perform their work inside the US, but who have an address history outside the US. Screening types that can be run on domestic screenings with out-of-country history include: 

    • Education Verification
    • Employment Verification

    Review A Background Check

    Monitoring A Background Check

    Once a background check has been initiated on a candidate, please follow the steps below to monitor the status and results of the background check. 

    1. On a job posting, navigate to the candidate profile of the candidate you wish to see background check results for. 
    2. Once within the candidate profile, navigate to the “Background Check” section. 
    3. Within the “Background Check” section of the candidate profile, the user is able to see all background checks that have been initiated on the candidate. 
    4. While in progress, the background check tile will share the following information: the background check package requested, the status of the background check, the ETA for completion, and the option to “View Candidate”. 
      1. By selecting “View Candidate”, the user will be redirected to the Checkr dashboard to review the candidate within Checkr.               Discovered_ATS_5.png
    5. Once a background check has been completed and the status is returned, the background check status and the result will display within the background check tile. If the status and background check result require additional review, the user can select “View Report” to navigate to the Checkr dashboard and review the background check results. 

    Reviewing Completed Results

    Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be listed in the Discovered ATS candidate profile. Once Complete, click on “View Report” to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard, and review details. 

    For more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report in the Checkr Help Center which covers:

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. 

    Resubmit A Background Check

    If a new background check is required for the same candidate, please follow the steps below. 

    1. A new candidate profile is required. To create a new profile…
    2. This is because Discovered ATS has put measures in place that ensures no two candidates can have the same email address. If two candidates have the same email address, the candidate profiles get combined into one. 
      1. For example, if the candidate uses Gmail, they could do and
    3. Navigate to the job posting
    4. Select “Add Candidate”. 
    5. The candidate’s information can all be added, aside from the email address. A new email address is required to be different from the candidate's first profile’s email address. 
    6. Once the candidate has a second profile, the user can navigate to the candidate’s profile >> Background Checks >> Request Background Check.

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the Discovered ATS integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate's experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • DocQ / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / DocQ integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to DocQ, please fill out a support request for additional assistance.




    The following items are required to initiate the DocQ / Checkr integration:

    • Admin access to Checkr and DocQ

    Create a Checkr account

    To initiate the integration, go to: Settings > Plugins > Plugin Checkr and click “Connect with Checkr account”.

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with DocQ.

    To create an account for use with DocQ:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to DocQ.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from DocQ. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both DocQ and you to begin ordering background checks through the DocQ platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created, and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check, you will be asked which node to order the check from, and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate as you normally would for any background check.
    • Select which Hierarchy node you would like to order from.

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    Once your DocQ and Checkr accounts are connected, you will need to create a workflow in order to use it. The steps outlined in this document are an example of a typical use case in which candidates are routed based on various scenarios of a background check result.

    Creating a Workflow and Document Template

    From the DocQ homepage, click Workflows'' > “Add Workflow”. 


    Click on the Settings tab on the right side of the screen, enter Checkr - Default” in the name and then click Save”.


    Navigate to the menu on the left and clickTemplates” > “Document Templates'' > “Add Template”

    From the window that populates on the right, enter :

    • Name - Checkr Template” 
    • Workflow - Checkr - Default Workflow''
    • Upload Document - Upload This file in and then click Create".

    Now that a template is created, navigate back to Workflows” and click on your created Checkr - Default Workflow”.

    Drag and drop the Plugin” step from the left onto the canvas screen. Edit the step as follows:

    • Name - “Checkr” 
    • Step type - “Plugin” (this was auto populate)
    • Plugin type -  “Checkr”


    From there, click the box under Checkr mappings” > Create new Mapping”:

    • Mapping name - “Checkr #1
    • DocQ Template - select your created template “Checkr Template”
    • Operation Type -  “Document variables to Background check”


    Select a “Checkr Node” - Select the region associated with your company & region. For these purposes we will use “NDM North America”.

    Select a “Checkr Package”: The package selected will be based on what packages are available and required for your company. For these purposes we will use “DocQ Standard Criminal”

    Once you are finished with all the fields, click “Save”. 


    Building out the rest of the Workflow

    NEXT: Building the remainder of your “Checkr - Default Workflow”

    Click on the “Plugin” step and drag it to the canvas and execute the following in “Edit Steps”:

    • Name - “Approved Route” - will be used when a “CLEAR” is received OR when “ENGAGE” has been selected by a recruiter, hiring manager, etc. from the Checkr dashboard
    • Step type - “Plugin” will auto populate 
    • Plugin type - the plugin / ATS you are pushing your data to. For these purposes we will use SmartRecruiters.


    From here, mapping properties for that plugin will begin - This will be specific to your company and may be extremely complex or extremely simple. The following can be used as a general guide for a simple mapping.

    Click the box under SmartRecruiters mappings” > Create new Mapping”:

    • Mapping name - “Approved route
    • DocQ Template - select your created template “Checkr Template”
    • Operation Type -  “From Values to SR Fields”
    • Update candidate status - “Self Schedule” 


    Save your Mappings for the Approved Route via the blue “Save” button on the bottom right. 

    Next, once again click on the “Plugin” step and drag it to the canvas and execute the following in “Edit Steps”:

    • Name - “Rejected Route” - will be used when a “REJECTED” is received or when “POST ADVERSE” has been selected by a recruiter, hiring manager, etc. from the Checkr dashboard
    • Step type - “Plugin” will auto populate 
    • Plugin type - the plugin / ATS you are pushing your data to. For these purposes we will use SmartRecruiters.

    Map the properties for the second plugin as follows:

    Click the box under SmartRecruiters mappings” > Create new Mapping”:

    • Mapping name - “Rejected route
    • DocQ Template - select your created template “Checkr Template”
    • Operation Type -  “From Values to SR Fields”
    • Update candidate status - “Reject” 

    *Save your Mappings for the Approved Route via the blue “Save” button on the bottom right* 

    Adding Conditions to the Workflow

    Now that we have workflow steps created, it’s time to connect them. Begin by clicking on the “Start step”, scroll to “Default Action” > “Approve step” and select “Checkr”.


    Next, click on the “Checkr'' plugin step, scroll to “Default Action” > “Approve step” and select “End step”.

    From here you will add “Conditions” to each step:


    Approved Route Conditions

    Scroll down and click the blue  “+ Add Condition” and set it up as follows:

    • Name - “Clear Route”
    • Type - “Condition”
    • Field - “DocQ Checkr Result
    • Operation - “Is equal to”
    • Value - “Clear”

    Scroll back down and once click the blue “+ Add Condition” for a second time.  Name the action “Consider Route - Engaged” and then set up as follows:

    • Type - “Condition”
      • **Click the blue “Convert to Groups”**

    Edit the first condition box to appear as follows:

    • Type - “Condition”
    • FIeld - “docq.check.adjudication”
    • Operation - “Is equal to”
    • Value - “Engaged”

    Click the blue  “+ Add Condition” and enter it as the following:

    • Type - “Condition”
    • FIeld - “DocQ Checkr Result”
    • Operation - “Is equal to”
    • Value - “Consider”

    Continue to scroll down to “Approve step” and select “Approved Route” then click “done”

    Reject Route Conditions

    Scroll back down and once click the blue “+ Add Condition”. Name the action “Reject Route” and then set up as follows:

    • Type - “Condition”
      • **Click the blue “Convert to Groups”**

    Edit the first condition box to appear as follows:

    • Name - “Considered”
    • Type - “Condition”
    • FIeld - “DocQ Checkr Result”
    • Operation - “Is equal to”
    • Value - “Consider”


    Once the values from above have been entered, click the blue  “+ Add Condition” and enter it as the following:

    • Name - “Post Adverse”
    • Type - “Condition”
    • FIeld - “docq.check.adjudication”
    • Operation - “Is equal to”
    • Value - “post_adverse”

    Continue to scroll down to “Approve step” and select “Rejected Route” and click “done”

    Your final workflow should be as follows:


    **Now that a template and workflow is configured, you're ready to order a background check for a candidate**

    Testing the Workflow

    Navigate back to “My Documents” on the left menu and click “Add Document” > “From 


    Choose a name for your document (for these purposes,“Checkr Test) and select the “Checkr Template”.


    Fill in all the fields as required and click “Create”.


    The document will be created and put in your documents page. The Checkr background process has begun.


    Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be listed in the document history. Once Complete, click on it to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard, and review details. (For more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report in the Checkr Help Center.)

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. 

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr.

  • Domino's / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Domino's instance of SmartRecruiters integration process and outline how to order background checks via Domino's instance of SmartRecruiters.

    The Checkr Help Center is an excellent resource for questions that this guide may not cover. If you have any questions not covered in this guide specific to Domino's / SmartRecruiters, please feel free to reach out to the SmartRecruiter Domino's Support team via this web form for additional assistance.

    Article content


    How to integrate Checkr with Domino's instance of SmartRecruiters

    Domino’s franchises that want to use Checkr in the SmartRecruiters platform should use this link to sign up for a Checkr account or sign in to an existing Checkr account. 

    Next, you will be prompted to enter the FCODE or the Business Unit Name found within the Domino's instance of SmartRecruiters.

    How to find the FCODE/Business Unit Name:

      1. Login to SmartRecruiters 
      2. Navigate to any job.
      3. Select the ‘Job Details’ tab.
      4. Scroll down to the ‘Job Fields’ section. 
      5. Look for the field labeled “Business Unit Name
      6. The value specified for this field is the FCODE
        • Ensure to copy and paste this value from Smart Recruiters into Checkr. If the value is different, it will cause issues with the integration.

    If your franchise has multiple store locations, you will need to enter each store code as a new node in Checkr. 

    • Note that these codes do not pull automatically over from your SmartRecruiters account and must be manually entered into Checkr. 
    • Ensure that all store codes use a five-digit format. For example, store #1001 must be entered as 01001 in the account hierarchy page in Checkr.

    How to run a background check within Domino's instance of SmartRecruiters 

    1. Login to SmartRecruiters 
    2. Navigate to a Candidate Profile
    3. In the "Assessments" panel on the right side of the page, select "Browse."

    4. Select "Select a partner" from the pop-up window that appears.
    5. Select "Checkr" from the dropdown list. Checkr packages will display.

    6. Select the check box(es) of the desired package(s).
    7. Click "Continue."
  • Drata / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Drata integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to Drata, please fill out a support request for additional assistance.




    The following items are required to initiate Drata / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Admin access to Checkr and Drata

    Connect to Checkr

    1. Click on your company's name in the lower left corner.
    2. Click Connections from that menu.Drata_1_.jpeg
    3. Click the Connect button for the Checkr integration.Drata_2.jpeg
    4. A drawer will extend from the right side of the screen providing details on making the connection.                                     Drata_3.png
    5. If you have a Checkr account, Sign In.
    6. If Account Hierarchy is enabled, step two of this connection will ask you to select a Node that has been set up in your Checkr account.
    7. After a Node has been selected (or no nodes were present), you will then be able to select which package will be used by any candidates initiating background checks from within Drata.Drata_5.png
    8. After the connection has been made, it’s important to determine whether you would like to enable ordering through the Drata platform. NOTE: Drata’s product aims to remove admin bottlenecks and instead allows employees to initiate background checks on themselves. If you would like to restrict employees from being able to initiate background checks on themselves, please follow Step #9 below
    9. If you do not want employees to have any view in their 'My Drata' onboarding related to background checks, instead choose the option "We use a different background check solution and will upload manually per employee on the Personnel page". This will hide the "Background Check" section for your employees.
    10. Click the Update button to configure the changes. Drata_6.png

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with Drata.

    To create an account for use with Drata:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Drata.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Drata. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Drata and you to begin ordering background checks through the Drata platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created, and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check, you will be asked which node to order the check from, and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate as you normally would for any background check.
    • Select which Hierarchy node you would like to order from.

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    Background checks in Drata are ordered by the candidate (employee) themselves initiating the process during an onboarding flow. Refer above (Step 8) for important info to determine how to disable employee ordering.

    1. User will go to their “My Drata” Screen, and scroll down to “Background Checks”, expanding the accordion. 
    2. From here, users will enter their City and State and click “Start My Background Check”. Drata_7.png
    3. This will kick off the Checkr-hosted background check flow, and the candidate should receive an email to finish the process within Checkr. 

    Monitor Background Checks

    There are two places where a Drata administrator can monitor a background check’s complete state. 

    First Place: 

    1. Navigate to the Drata “Connections” menu
    2. Find your connected “Checkr” tile
    3. Click “Manage Background Checks”.
    4. This will display all background checks detected by Drata that originate in Checkr. Drata_9.png

    Second Place: 

    1. Navigate to the “Personnel'' section of Drata. 
    2. Sort all users by the “Background Check” column. 
    3. Candidates who have fully completed background check reports will display with a green checkmark, and everyone else will be red X’sDrata_10.png

    Note: Drata only cares about candidates having a completed check, and does not allow admin users to see any other detailed information for a check. To view additional information related to the background check, you can navigate to the Checkr dashboard. 

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. 

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • eBacon / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / eBacon integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to eBacon, please email for additional assistance.




    The following items are required to initiate eBacon / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Admin access to Checkr and eBacon

    Enable Checkr setup

    To connect your account to Checkr, click Company on the left-hand menu from your Dashboard.



    Click Background Check from within the Company Menu in order to see the above button inviting you to connect. Select Connect to Sign In to your Checkr account.

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with eBacon.

    To create an account for use with eBacon:

    Final - Partner Support No Pay (1)_4.webp

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to eBacon.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both eBacon and you to begin ordering background checks through the eBacon platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created, and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check, you will be asked which node to order the check from, and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate as you normally would for any background check.
    • Select which Hierarchy node you would like to order from.

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    Once your eBacon and Checkr accounts are connected, return to the Background Check page.

    Click New Background Check button in the upper right corner of the screen.



    Enter the candidate's name, email address, and state. Then select the reporting package you want and click Submit. If you want to add or customize packages, contact our customer support team.

    NOTE: Candidates with questions about the process, their own report, or who need to provide verification of their documents (e.i. driver’s license number) can contact us directly through the Candidate Portal.



    Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be listed in the eBacon  Background Check dashboard. Once Complete, click on the Eye icon to the right of each line to open a report, or on the link at the bottom of the page to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard (for more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report in the Checkr Help Center).

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. 

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • Eddy / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide outlines the Checkr/Eddy integration process and how to order background checks.



    Getting started

    The following items are required to enable the integration:

    • Admin access to Checkr and Eddy

    Create a Checkr account

    If you already have an account, select Sign In. If you don’t have a Checkr account, create an account to get started.

    To create an account for use with Eddy:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Eddy.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Eddy. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Eddy and you to begin ordering background checks through the Eddy platform.

    Connect to Checkr

    Follow the steps below to connect the Checkr integration:

    1. Navigate to Admin settings
    2. Select the Integration tab
    3. Under the Checkr option select Connect
    4. Select “Sign In”
    5. Enter your Checkr login information and “Log In”
    6. Select “Connect my account”
    7. Navigate back to your Eddy dashboard to confirm that your Checkr account has successfully been connected.

    Account hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to appear when you order a background check. You can use nodes to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes after you create them—your Checkr invoice shows which node ordered which package. 

    Each time you order a background check, you select which node to order the check from, and then select from a list of packages available to that node. Invoices show the background checks each node ordered within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with an account hierarchy and nodes:

    1. Fill in the candidate's work location as you usually would for a background check.
    2. Select which node to order from.

    The list of packages appears based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to order. If no packages appear, you must assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr Dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order background checks

    1. In the “Application” tab, open the candidate’s profile. Within the profile, there will be an option on the right-hand side for Background Check.
    2. Select the option “Run a background check”
    3. In the pop-up window ensure the following are completed:
      • First and Last name
      • Candidate email address
      • Work location (where the candidate will be performing their work)
      • Node (if applicable)
      • Select the appropriate package
    1. Once this information is complete, select “Run background check”

    Review background checks

    After you order a background check, the report status appears in the Eddy candidate dashboard. After the report status changes to Complete, select the report in the Checkr Dashboard and review the details. 

    For more information on reports and report statuses, refer to How do I interpret a background report?

    Checkr’s candidate experience

    Checkr's candidate experience overview describes the candidate's experience of the background check process. It provides information to answer common questions and resolve common issues.

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the Eddy integration allows users to order background checks and find their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • Eightfold / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide outlines the Checkr/Eightfold integration process and how to order background checks.



    Getting started

    The following items are required to enable the integration:

    • Admin access to Checkr
    • Admin access or permissions to manage an app in Eightfold `perm_manage_apps`

    Connect to Checkr

    Option 1: 

    1. Log in to your Eightfold account. 
    2. From the left side navigation, click on the “Apps” dropdown and select “Install App”.
    3. Under the “Install App” page, navigate to the “Apps” dropdown, and type in or select “Checkr”. 

    1. Once selected, a window titled “Configure Settings to Install App” will appear. 

    1. The following information from Eightfold will help with the fields requiring input. If further assistance is needed, Eightfold is prepared to provide it at
      • App Settings - 
        • Checkr Base URL:
          • Description: This field is where the base URL for the Checkr API is configured. This URL points to the Checkr API endpoint that the application will communicate with.
          • Example Value:
          • Use Case: This URL is essential for making API calls to the Checkr service, such as creating background checks, retrieving results, and managing candidates.
        • Use Test Email:
          • Description: This setting allows you to toggle between using a test email or a real email during Checkr operations.
          • Options:
            • True: Use a test email for operations (likely used in staging or development environments).
            • False: Use the actual email addresses for operations (used in production environments).
          • Use Case: This toggle is helpful when you want to test the Checkr integration without sending actual emails to candidates.
        • Checkr Report Base URL:
          • Description: This field specifies the base URL for accessing Checkr reports. This URL is used to link to the Checkr dashboard, where the results of background checks can be viewed. 
          • Example Value:
          • Use Case: This URL is used by administrators to directly access reports generated by Checkr, allowing for easy review and management of the results.
      • System Settings -
        • System ID:
          • Description: This field defines the unique identifier for the system or application that is integrated with Checkr.
          • Default Value: volkscience
          • Use Case: The System ID is used to identify which system is making the requests and helps in organizing and managing different integrations or environments.
        • Stage:
          • Description: This field allows you to specify the stages at which the Checkr app should trigger. It accepts a comma-separated list of stages.
          • Example Value: Reference Check
          • Use Case: This setting is used to define specific stages in your workflow (e.g., during hiring) when the Checkr integration should be triggered, such as when a reference check is required.
        • Fetch Report Delay (secs):
          • Description: This optional field allows you to set a delay in seconds before the fetch report trigger is called. This delay can be used to control the timing of when the Checkr report is fetched after a trigger event.
          • Example Value: 604800 (equivalent to 7 days)
          • Use Case: This setting is useful if you want to introduce a buffer time before Checkr fetches the report, which could be necessary in certain workflow setups.
    2. Once Checkr’s settings are saved and installed, you will re-open the “Settings” window, locate the “Authentication / Authorization” section, and select “OAuth Sign In”. 

    1. Once selected, this will launch the Checkr-hosted sign-in / sign-up process. Please complete the Checkr workflow. If you have a Checkr account, you will opt to sign in. If you need a new Checkr account, you will need to follow the sign-up steps. 
    2. Once completed, you will be redirected back to Eightfold. 

    Option 2: 

    1. Log in to your Eightfold account. 
    2. The Checkr app will be available in the Eightfold Marketplace: 
    3. From the marketplace, please login with your account credentials and you will be able to install the app through this portal.

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created during the integration process with Eightfold. Refer to the Connect to Checkr section for how to begin the Checkr account setup process from within Eightfold.

    Once you’ve been directed to the Checkr page during the sign-up process, you can either sign in to an existing account or create a new one.

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Eightfold.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Eightfold. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Eightfold and you to begin ordering background checks through the Eightfold platform.

    Account hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to appear when they order a background check. You can use nodes to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes after you create them. Your Checkr invoice shows which node ordered which package.
    Each time you order a background check, you select which node to order the check from, and then select from a list of packages available to that node. Invoices show the background checks that each node ordered within 2 billing cycles after setup.
    To order a background check with an account hierarchy and nodes, please follow the steps within Order Background Checks. During the ordering process, Eightfold asks the user to select their preferred node (if applicable) and package for ordering.
    The list of packages appear based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to order. If no packages appear, you must assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr Dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order background checks

    1. To start a background check, you will need to locate the applicant’s profile. 
    2. Once on the applicant’s profile, click on the “Advance Stage” dropdown and select “Reference Check”.
    3. A window titled “Confirm ATS Action” will appear. Here you will select the background check node (if applicable) + package you wish to order for the applicant.
    4. Once selected, click "Confirm".
    5. The background check invitation has been sent.

    Review background checks

    1. To review a background check, you will need to locate the applicant’s profile.
    2. Once on the applicant, select “Assessments”.
    3. Here you will be able to see the details related to the background check.
      • After an invite is created, a field for “Invitation Sent” will appear. Additionally, you will see “Invitation Completion By”, letting you know the ETA for report completion.
      • After a report is created, the background check status is shown.
      • After the report is completed, a new field called "view report" will appear. This is a report URL to Checkr where you may view the full background check report.

        For more information on reports and report statuses, refer to How do I interpret a background report

    Resubmit a background check

    Eightfold allows the user to try to submit a background check again in case there was a failure. Please follow the steps under Order Background Checks to resubmit a background check for your candidate.

    Checkr's candidate experience

    Checkr's candidate experience overview describes the candidate's experience of the background check process. It provides information to answer common questions and resolve common issues.

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr.

  • Engyj (DBA Saba, Inc ) / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Engyj integration, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 


    Before starting

    The following items are required to initiate the Engyj / Checkr integration. 

    • Admin access to Checkr and Engyj

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integrating with Engyj.

    To create an account for use with Engyj:

    1. Login to your Engyj account. 
    2. From the left navigation menu, select Administrative Settings, Preferences and then select Company
    3. Within the Company Settings select Connect Checkr

      Partner Support with Pay.gif

      1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Engyj.
      2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
      3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Engyj. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
      4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Engyj and you to begin ordering background checks through the Engyj platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different nodes inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr asks you to assign packages to nodes once they are created (optional)  and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check, you'll be asked which node to order the check from, and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    Once your Engyj and Checkr accounts are connected,  navigate (using the left navigation sidebar) to the Jobs page. Background checks are defined at the Job level, so find the job you would like to set a background check requirement for and select the pencil icon, labeled edit

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you can assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    1. To order a background check, navigate (using the left navigation sidebar) to the Jobs page. find the job you would like to set a background check requirement for and select the pencil icon, labeled edit. 
    2. From the Job specific page, scroll down to Checkr Packages and select Connect Checkr Package
    3. Once selected, you'll be asked to select a Checkr Node and Checkr Package
      1. If you haven’t set up Checkr nodes within your Checkr account, you'll only need to select a Checkr Package. 
    4. Once you’ve selected your preferred node and package for the job, select Save at the bottom. 
    5. Next, you'll need to navigate to Company Settings and ensure you have selected a location for your business. 
    6. From the left navigation menu, select Administrative Settings, then Preferences and then select Company
    7. This will bring you to the Company Settings page. 
    8. From within Company Settings, select your State from the State dropdown menu. 
    9. Select Save at the bottom of the page. 
    10. Now the settings part is complete and you can run a background check on any candidate for a job that has configured the background check portion. 
    11. From the left navigation menu, select Applicants
    12. Once on the Applicants page, use the top menu to Filter By and select the job. Select Apply
    13. Select a candidate. 
    14. An applicant card will populate. 
    15. Select, Start Background Check
    16. A module will populate with the following message: Are you sure to start Background Check for [name of applicant]?
    17. Select Yes 
    18. This will initiate the background check ordering process and an invitation will be sent to the candidate. 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    Review A Background Check

    Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be shared in the candidate card. 

    1. From the left navigation menu, select Applicants
    2. Once on the Applicants page, you can use the top menu to Filter By and select the job. Select Apply. This will return all candidates for a specific job. 
    3. Select a candidate. 
    4. A candidate card will populate. 
    5. Navigate to Checkr Details within the candidate card for the following statuses: 
      1. Checkr ETA 
      2. Checkr Report Status
      3. Checkr Report Result 
      4. Checkr Adjudication Status 
      5. Link to Checkr dashboard 

    Once the report status is  Complete, you are able to select on the report link to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard, and review details. 

    For more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report.

    Resubmit A Background Check

    The platform hosts a Start Background Check button on the candidate profile. Once a background check has been initiated, this button goes away and all report details can be found in the Checkr Details portion of the candidate card. 

    If there’s an issue with the background check and an error is returned, Engyj will re-enable the Start Background Check button on the candidate card and a user can re-initiate another background check.

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

  • EPAY Systems / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / EPAY Systems integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to EPAY Systems, please contact for additional assistance.




    The following items are required to initiate EPAY Systems  / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Access to EPAY Systems ATS module, with admin rights. EPAY systems must also turn on the ability to integrate Checkr into your account which can take up to 10 business days turnaround. Please reach out to to enable this prior to attempting to connect or sign-up for Checkr. 

    Add Checkr to EPAY Systems 

    First, enable Checkr from within EPAY Systems. You must have admin access to both Checkr and EPAY Systems to complete this process. 

    Enable Checkr setup

    To initiate integration, click Account Detail and find Checkr’s integration listing.


    Next, click Checkr


    You'll be prompted to Sign in or Sign up. Once connected you'll be redirected back to the EPay platform. Screen_Shot_2020-05-11_at_1.21.08_PM.png

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with EPay.

    To create an account for use with EPay:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to EPay.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from EPay. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both EPay and you to begin ordering background checks through the EPay platform.

    Order Background Checks

    Once your EPAY Systems and Checkr accounts are connected, visit the job listings page. 

    To order a background check,

    • Click select action next to the candidate’s name
    • Click Request Background Check 
    • Select a Package 
    • Next, click Request Background Check




    Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be listed in the EPAY Systems notes tab of the candidate’s record and in the messages section on the homepage/dashboard. Once Complete, click on view report to open the report in the Checkr Dashboard, and review details. (For more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report in the Checkr Help Center.)



    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. 

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr

  • Faith Teams / Checkr Integration User Guide >

    Welcome to Checkr!

    This guide will walk you through the Checkr / Faith Teams integration process, and outline how to use the Checkr dashboard for the background check process. 

    The Checkr Help Center is a great resource for any questions that may not be covered in this user guide. If you have any questions not covered in this guide that are specific to Faith Teams, please fill out a support request for additional assistance.




    The following items are required to initiate Faith Teams / Checkr integration. Please ensure you have the following before proceeding.

    • Admin access to Checkr
    • Admin Access to Faith Teams

    Enable Checkr setup

    To initiate integration, go to the Tools & Admin tab in Faith Teams and click on the Connect to Checkr button.

    Create a Checkr account

    If your company does not yet have a Checkr account, one must be created before integration with Faith Teams.

    To create an account for use with Faith Teams:

    Partner Support with Pay.gif

    1. If you are already a Checkr customer, select Sign In to connect your current Checkr account to Faith Teams.
    2. If you are not a current Checkr customer, fill out the required fields, and select Get Started to create a Checkr account and add your company information.
    3. After providing your company information, enter payment information. Invoices for background checks will come directly from Checkr, not from Faith Teams. (Payment information may be edited on the Checkr dashboard after the account has been created.)
    4. Once complete, select Submit and your account will be sent to Checkr for review. Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will notify both Faith Teams and you to begin ordering background checks through the Faith Teams platform.

    Account Hierarchy

    The integration allows users to set up different "nodes" inside of their Checkr account to have displayed in the background check ordering workflow. Nodes can be used to designate different locations, teams, or groups that order background checks within your organization. Checkr requires you to assign packages to nodes once they are created, and will then display which node ordered which package on your Checkr invoice. 

    Each time you order a background check, you will be asked which node to order the check from, and then select from a pre-populated list of packages available to that node. Invoices will show the background checks ordered by each node within 2 billing cycles after setup. 

    To order a background check with Account Hierarchy and nodes:

    • Fill in the work location of the candidate as you normally would for any background check.
    • Select which Hierarchy node you would like to order from.

    The list of available Packages will automatically generate based on the node you select. Select the background check package you want to run. If you do not see any packages populating, you will need to assign the appropriate packages to that node in your Checkr dashboard before proceeding.

    For more information on Account Hierarchy, nodes, and how to configure your account, see Checkr's Payment & Billing, Adverse Actions, and Manage Account Settings Help Articles.

    Order Background Checks

    Once your Faith Teams and Checkr accounts are connected, you can add background check packages to different volunteer roles, or run ad-hoc reports on your volunteers. 

    Background Checks for a Role

    You can set up certain Teams to require background checks when a new person joins the team or when someone takes on a new Role within the Team. 

    1. From the Volunteers menu, click Setup Volunteer Teams
    2. Click on the Team you want to edit and the Role
    3. Click on Requires a background check, select the background check package and click Save

    Once this is setup, anytime a new person is added to this Role, you’ll be prompted to order the required background check. 

    Once the background check has been ordered, the status of the report will be in the Background Check section of the Faith Teams platform. You will be able to see the report status, an ETA of when the report should be done and when complete a status on what was found. 

    (For more information on reports and report statuses, see How do I interpret a background report in the Checkr Help Center.)

    Most background checks will be completed within 24 hours, but the time to complete can range from a few minutes to a few weeks, depending on the type of check ordered, the geographic location of the candidate, and/or county courthouse operations. 

    Checkr Features

    Use the Checkr Dashboard

    While the integration allows users to order background checks and view their status, the following features are available only within Checkr: 

    Checkr’s Candidate Experience

    The Checkr candidate experience overview describes the Checkr candidate experience of the background check process. It includes information about the Checkr Candidate Portal and Help Center where candidates can self-serve and address common issues that can stall or delay their background checks. The overview also includes common reasons candidates contact our support and how to address these issues.

    The overview includes:


    For a quick overview of the Checkr Dashboard, please see Getting started with Checkr