The "Continuous checks" page of the Checkr Dashboard has the tabs below:
- Bulk action
- Ineligible persons
- Driver record reports (DL 414)
The "Ineligible persons" and "Driver record reports (DL 414)" tabs appear only for accounts with continuous MVR (motor vehicle record) enabled.
Bulk action
Use the "Bulk action" tab to perform bulk actions, check their status, and download processing errors.
Start a bulk action
To start a bulk action, use the steps below:
- From the "Bulk action" tab, select "Start bulk action."
- Select a continuous product and an action to perform.
- Confirm that your CSV file meets the requirements below:
- Case-sensitive column names in the first row
- A column called “candidate_id”
- Each row with the individual's Checkr-assigned unique candidate ID
- Fewer than 500,000 rows
- No personally identifiable information (PII)
- If your account uses nodes, confirm that the CSV file also meets the requirements below:
- A column called, “state” for 2-character United States abbreviations, such as OR for Oregon and TX for Texas
- A column called, “custom_node_id,” for the custom IDs you assigned to your nodes when you created them
- Select the Submit button to upload your CSV file.
If the file doesn't meet the formatting or size requirements, an alert appears.
If you’re enrolling or updating individuals, select the checkbox that certifies you completed the tasks below:
- You provided required disclosures to all individuals.
- You received proper consent from all individuals.
Some states charge a fee for each driver enrollment.
After the bulk action finishes processing, Checkr sends you a confirmation email.
Enrollment history
For each bulk action, the "Enrollment history" section lists one of the statuses below:
- Processing: The bulk action isn’t finished.
- Complete: The bulk action finished processing with no errors.
- Review: The bulk action finished processing with errors.
When the bulk action has errors, you can download an errors CSV file from the Errors column. The errors CSV file has the information below:
- The individual's Checkr-assigned unique candidate ID
- Error reason
You can download the original bulk action CSV file from the File column.
Ineligible persons
The "Ineligible persons" tab lists drivers removed from continuous MVR because of an error.
When you enroll a driver in continuous MVR, the driver license information comes from a previously completed MVR report. States can remove enrollments for invalid or outdated personally identifiable information (PII). Continuous MVR errors can happen immediately after enrollment or up to 30 days later.
The "Ineligible persons" tab shows individuals removed from continuous MVR in the last 30 days and the information below:
- Removal date
- Candidate ID (Checkr-assigned unique ID for the individual)
- Individual’s name
- Error reason
You can download the last 90 days of your account’s error history. If you need more than 90 days of errors, contact Checkr.
California drivers only: Driver record reports (DL 414)
Checkr enrolled in the California Employer Pull Notice (EPN) program so that you can monitor the driving records of people who drive for you.
A driver’s record, also called driver license printout (DL 414), has the information below:
- Abstracts of convictions
- Accidents
- Driver license application information
You can search for DL 414 documents using candidate ID and DL 414 creation date.
To download a PDF of a candidate's DL 414 documents, select Download in the "DL 414 Form" column.
For compliance purposes, Checkr provides an audit log of each time someone downloads a DL 414 document. To download an audit report log, select "Download audit report."