If your Checkr account has a partner integration, this feature might be unavailable. To determine whether your account supports this feature, contact Checkr.
Track candidate progress on the Checkr Dashboard
After you send an invitation, you use the Checkr Dashboard to track your candidate’s progress.
Status overview
The Candidates page lists all in-progress reports with a status below:
- Pending: The report is processing and is expected to complete in 2-3 days. Delays may occur if additional documentation is needed.
- Clear: Report completed without significant findings based on your guidelines.
- Review: Report completed and contains information you might want to review.
- Suspended: The report stopped processing because of missing information or incomplete searches.
- Canceled: All searches in the report were canceled.
Email notifications
Checkr can send you email notifications while generating reports. To receive email notifications, use the steps below:
- Select "Account settings."
- Select "Notifications."
- Select the events you want email notifications about.
Report completion
Automatic report completion and billing
Checkr automatically completes SSN trace reports that require additional information from the candidate. SSN trace reports that require additional information will change to a Suspended status if no response from the candidate is received within 7 days. After 30 days, the Suspended status will shift to Complete, and all other searches within the report will be canceled. Billing will include the packages and searches you order. After the search process begins, Checkr doesn’t give refunds for incomplete or canceled searches. Your invoice will show package prices and passthrough fees for canceled searches.
For more information, refer to FAQs about Checkr invoices.
Complete reports manually with "Complete now"
Note that using this feature in either the Checkr Dashboard or Checkr API cancels all pending or suspended searches and updates the report status to "Canceled."
"Complete now" in the Checkr Dashboard
To complete a pending or suspended report immediately, regardless of its status:
- Navigate to the report's "Actions" section.
- Select "Complete now."
The "Complete now" button appears when both conditions below are met:
- The report is pending or suspended, and not in final processing in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
- You have a user role below:
- Adjudicator
- Admin
- Restricted admin
There are a few things to note when using "Complete now" in the Checkr Dashboard:
- Searches you canceled using "Complete now" show the cancellation reason and the reason’s description in the dashboard.
- The PDF copy of the report doesn't include canceled searches.
- Completed searches in the report show a status of Clear or Review. The report log in the dashboard will track the date, time, and user each time "Complete now" is used.
For reports that include canceled searches, Assess shows the Review status. If a report has a record that your Assess guidelines marked as Escalated, the report status also shows Escalated.
Checkr API
You can also complete reports through the Checkr API using the Complete Report endpoint. This action triggers the same processes as the "Complete now" function in the Dashboard.
Canceled reports will trigger a webhook and appear in the report object's return.
For more information, refer to the Checkr API documentation:
Candidate experience
The Candidate Portal notifies the candidate about the two situations below:
- A report is canceled due to insufficient candidate information
- The report couldn't be completed because the SSN trace was completed, but all other searches were canceled.