Checkr offers both personal and professional reference verifications. You can order only three personal and three professional reference verifications per candidate.
During reference verifications, Checkr uses the candidate-provided contact information to contact each reference once a day for four days. Checkr’s representative will provide a return phone number and email address when leaving a message for a reference. Reference verification steps don't cause timeline events in the Checkr Dashboard. For information about a verification's status, contact Checkr.
When we contact each reference, we ask standard questions for the reference type. To ensure consistent results, we don't change or customize the questions.
Personal reference verification
The goal of a personal reference verification is to learn about your candidate’s character.
We confirm the reference’s name and ask them the questions below:
- What is the nature of your relationship with the candidate?
- How long have you known them?
- Would you recommend them to an employer?
- Any additional comments?
Personal reference verification is available as a standalone search. To add personal reference verifications to your background checks, contact Checkr.
Professional reference verification
The goal of a professional reference verification is to learn about your candidate’s qualifications and job history.
We confirm the reference’s name and ask them the questions below:
- What was/is the candidate's job and the nature of their duties?
- How would you describe their job performance including strengths and weaknesses?
- How did they get along with their associates?
- How did they show initiative on the job?
- How long have you known them?
- When they begin a task, would you say that they carry it through to completion?
- What could they do to improve their job performance?
- Are they dependable?
- In your opinion, have they ever shown a propensity for violence or dishonesty in the workplace?
- Any additional comments?
Professional reference verification is available as a standalone search. To add professional reference verifications to your background checks, contact Checkr.
After trying to contact the references, Checkr updates the candidate’s report. Verifications can have a status below:
- Canceled: You used the Complete Now button to end the verification before all reference verifications completed. Checkr's representative continues to contact the candidate-provided references.
- Clear: Checkr's representative contacted the reference and they replied, so the report has answers to the questions. You decide what to do with this information.
- Consider: Checkr's representative couldn’t contact the reference or the reference didn’t reply, so the report has no answers. You to decide what to do next.
Candidate experience
The candidate provides the personally identifying information (PII) below:
- Birth date
- Email address
- Full name
- Phone number
- Social Security number (SSN)
The candidate then reads and acknowledges receipt of applicable forms and notifications:
- A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
- Disclosure Regarding Background Investigation
- Authorization for a background verification
- Other state and required disclosures as applicable
After the candidate signs the authorization form, Checkr starts the verification.
If you applied for a job and want to know your background check’s status, log in to the Checkr Candidate Portal.