If your Checkr account has a partner integration, this feature might be unavailable. To determine whether your account supports this feature, contact Checkr.
With subscriptions, you can order recurring reports on a candidate. You can create subscriptions only for candidates in the United States.
To use subscriptions, you must first obtain evergreen consent from the candidate. This one-time consent informs the candidate that you'll order ongoing background checks. Many organizations include this information in their initial consent form. Other organizations use a new disclosure each time. Check with your counsel for state-by-state guidance.
After you obtain evergreen consent, use the steps below:
- Open the Candidates page of the Checkr Dashboard.
- Select the report or invitation you want to add a subscription to. Checkr recommends adding a subscription after the candidate's first background check completes.
- In the "Post-hire safety" section, select "Add subscription."
- Select a package.
- Enter a start date for the subscription. Checkr completes the first recurring check on your subscription's start date.
- Enter the monthly interval for the subscription. To order a package annually, enter 12. The next occurrence automatically populates based on your monthly interval.
- If the node field appears, select a node.
- If the state field appears, state a state.
- Select the checkbox to certify that you received evergreen consent from the candidate, and then select "Add subscription."
- Check your work, and select Save. To add more subscriptions, select "Add subscription" and complete the information for each new row.
After you enable subscriptions, you can track candidates with active subscriptions from the Candidates page in the dashboard. From the advanced filters in the Search section, select Subscription as the monitor type.
To end a subscription, select Delete in the "Post-hire safety" section.
From the dashboard, you must manage subscriptions individually. You can mass subscribe or unsubscribe candidates from a subscription only using the Checkr API.