Evaluate the candidate’s work location to determine whether a United States (US) search with out-of-country history enabled or a search outside the US best suits your organization’s needs.
US searches with out-of-country history
Some candidates have an address history outside of the United States but a US work location. Checkr offers an out-of-country history search that can be added to the US criminal searches or verifications below:
- International search
- Adverse media search
- Education verification
- Employment verification (not available for DOT)
Searches outside the US
Checkr offers the following searches for candidates with work locations (meaning where the candidate will be performing their work) outside the United States:
- International search
- Adverse media search - may be enabled to run automatically if the criminal is not available.
- Identity document validation
- Global watchlist search
- Education verification
- Employment verification (not available for DOT)
For example, if a candidate lives and will be working in the United Kingdom, an international search would be selected.
To learn more, visit International background checks. To add new packages to your account, refer to Manage packages.
Disclaimer: This does not constitute and is not intended to be construed as legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel regarding your compliance obligations and best practices.